"I'm just 18, but my manhood looks 30.. It's so big"

'I'm just 18, but my manhood looks 30.. It's so big'

"Please help post this for me and keep my identity anonymous please
I am the guy that posted about two months ago about mastub-ting and I really appreciate all the friendly and elderly advice I received and by his grace am following them though since June that I posted it have fallen victim of the act sometimes but am controlling it.
Now my reason of posting again is that am in a big mess now.
I'm 18 but my d-k is 30..maybe it was as a result of mastur-bating I really Cant tell
Please fathers and brothers in the house, is there anything I can do to reduce my dick please because I hate the size, Please and secondly am now getting more aroused all the time than, before..am always getting erection every minute of the day..Please someone should help me, because I'm dying.
I am now having constant erection and its always getting hard for no reason...any small thing my d- go rise.
Please help me elders and doctors what can I do to reduce the size and also make me not getting aroused every minute.
Thanks as u read..am Anticipating Advice"


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