Actress Joselyn Dumas Releases New Photos To Celebrate Her Day

Actress Joselyn Dumas Releases New Photos To Celebrate Her Day

Actress and show host, Joselyn Dumas is a year older, she in a grateful mood took to IG to share new photos to celebrate her special day.

Actress Joselyn Dumas Releases New Photos To Celebrate Her Day

Actress Joselyn Dumas Releases New Photos To Celebrate Her Day

She penned a lengthy post to also celebrate herself and women all over the world.

She wrote;

Dear Joselyn/woman,

You are A #QUEEN never forget that!! The Lord is your Shepherd you shall not want... He will always prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. You are who God says you are Don't let the words or the opinions of others define you. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

God didn't say the weapons will not form but take comfort in knowing the weapons that are formed against you will not prosper for the Lord will always be with you. He didn't bring you this far to leave you... your best is here!!! And even though you have moments you feel like quitting, God said to hold on for His promises to you are #yay and #Amen. It is well!!! It's just beginning.....the nations shall call you


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