A series of posts by a Facebook user Gideon Akande is causing a stir on social media. Akande argued that a lady wearing high heels is "married to the world" saying that a godly, chaste and modest Christian lady can never be seen wearing them.
This is what he posted:
"A Christian woman who like wearing high heel shoes is married to the world; she may be in the church, but her soul is in the world. You will NEVER see a godly, chaste and modest Christian lady wearing high heel shoe."
After facing criticism from some commenters, he wrote another post:
"To many oppositions to the post that says high heel shoes are ungodly, can't you understand? Can't you realize soon that high heel shoes, makeups and downs are not the solution to happy and peaceful life? With your high heel shoes Satan is still messing you up, and with all those beauty care you still have depressions, your husband still cheat on your, you still don't have rest of mind on your husband when he travels, your husband still abuse you with your high heel shoe, you still not sure of tomorrow, can't you see that by human power and wisdom you can't prevail in this battle of life with high heel shoe?
"If high heel shoes, makeups and downs were to be the solution for happy life and marriage, many ladies of these days would be living paradise on earth life, but rather they are living hell on earth. With all the makes, devil still make mess out of their lives and marriages, with the high heel shoes, their husbands still cheat on them and abuse them, living in uncertain fear and persistent depression even with all outward beauty.
"For example, the celebrities with the highest heel shoes and makeups have the highest rate of divorce. Can you see it is not by wearing high heel shoes that will make you march the enemy of your soul which is devil? You need Jesus Christ in your life genuinely!"
Here's another post:
In just one day that I posted worldliness of high heel shoes for Christian women, many social media news/blogs have posted it with different tittles including my name and pictures with the intention of ridiculing me, and several attacks and abuses are following.
"But with these, many still long for truth, I have received about 100 friend requests since yesterday, though I can't add them because I have reached 5000 friends limit.
"Though we are in a rotten generation, though majority hate the truth, still we must let them hear it, we must be innocent of the blood of anyone in this generation, we must keep up the unchanging message, method and mission of the gospel though we are in a changing generation.
"2 Timothy 4:3-5, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."