Man Caught Sleeping on Top of a Fresh Grave...You Won't Believe Why (Photos)

Man Caught Sleeping on Top of a Fresh Grave...You Won't Believe Why (Photos)

A Zimbabwean man from Mvurwi who was identified as Sandikonda was captured at GMB cemetery sleeping on top of a freshly erected grave.

According to Bulawayo24, how the man stumbled into the graveyard is still a bit of a mystery but witnesses allege that it happened during a drunken stupor.

Man Caught Sleeping on Top of a Fresh Grave...You Won't Believe Why (Photos)

Sandikonda is alleged to have been drinking kachasu and on his way home the drink incapacitated him so much that he decided to take a rest not knowing he was lying on top of a grave. He probably thought he was lying down in his bed at home.

Colleagues and sympathetic passers-by tried to resuscitate him to no avail as he was still intoxicated, so they made his grave stay a bit comfortable and some took photos, maybe in a bid to remind him of his most embarrassing moments.


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