A 38-year-old Church pastor identified as Pastor Milboy Baloyi from Makuleke Village in the Limpopo area of South Africa, who is know for his 'supernatural' powers in the bedroom is claiming that he is now single after most ladies discover his prowess and how he last up to 3 hours during s*xual intercourt before he can ejaculate.
While speaking to Daily Sun, he said; "For many years women have run away from me. I confess. When I make love to a woman in my bedroom, I become uncontrollable.
"The problem is caused by the supernatural powers I possess in my body. I can go for as long as three hours at a time. I have realised most women can't stand it. For many years women have run away from me."
For more than 15 years, pastor Milboy has struggled with unstable relationships. "My problem started when I lost my virginity. I went on for hours and my girlfriend couldn't take it. The next thing she left my bedroom without saying goodbye."
He said this happened 20 years ago, before he gave his life to God.