Artist Sparks Serious Outrage After Painting Nelson Mandela and South African President Having S*x (Photos)

Artist Sparks Serious Outrage After Painting Nelson Mandela and South African President Having S*x (Photos)

Popular South African artist, Ayanda Mabulu is trending on social media after creating a painting portaying Nelson Mandela in bed with Jacob Zuma.

Many people have reacted with disgust at the artist's controversial art work after it went viral.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation has added its voice to the criticism against the graphic artist on his latest painting which has received criticism on social media.

The Foundations' Sello Hatang says: "As much as we respect Mr Mabulu's freedom of expression through his art, we're also are disturbed by the image."

Artist Sparks Serious Outrage After Painting Nelson Mandela and South African President Having S*x (Photos)

Mabulu has previously drawn criticism and support for some of his graphic artwork.

In taking aim at Zuma, a number of Mabulu's works feature the president in revealing or sexually explicit positions.

The painting has drawn widespread condemnation, with some people saying he's crossed a line by drawing Madiba in the way he has.

On Thursday afternoon, the conversation about the piece was growing on social media platforms.


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