Flavour visited Liberia for a show and he shared pictures and videos from the event which was packed full.
In one of his photos, the father-of-two can be seen in a raunchy pose with a plus-sized Liberian dancer who had her backside placed firmly against his groin.
He also shared videos of him dancing with the very energetic Liberian woman. See the video and more photos after the cut.
More pictures and video on next page,
![Flavour Rocking Lady with Big Backside On Stage (Pictures & Video) Flavour Rocking Lady with Big Backside On Stage (Pictures & Video)](https://img.netnaija.com/hsi/aHR0cHM6Ly8xLmJwLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8tcWF5bGlfVEdSQ28vV01fMUFpQVN0d0kvQUFBQUFBQUwtRUUvbGlqRXpzOVpXYmtlUVpPOTFnU01kZE53T09aS3pSTGRBQ0xjQi9zMTYwMC9nLnBuZw==/images/g.png)
![Flavour Rocking Lady with Big Backside On Stage (Pictures & Video) Flavour Rocking Lady with Big Backside On Stage (Pictures & Video)](https://img.netnaija.com/hsi/aHR0cHM6Ly8zLmJwLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8tWmJEYzBBbWdCLXMvV01fMUExMVBhNEkvQUFBQUFBQUwtRUkvcmhQU1BEb3hfSW9qUHZvRU53VXk0Zmh0M3lFdHBuUll3Q0xjQi9zMTYwMC9oLnBuZw==/images/h.png)
![Flavour Rocking Lady with Big Backside On Stage (Pictures & Video) Flavour Rocking Lady with Big Backside On Stage (Pictures & Video)](https://img.netnaija.com/hsi/aHR0cHM6Ly8yLmJwLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8tWk5qazZYRURKTVkvV01fMUI2VTJWckkvQUFBQUFBQUwtRU0vU1FQTzBiQ3RzTnNqYWJPSEVKeEZJQnZ3STdnOU91c09RQ0xjQi9zMTYwMC9pLnBuZw==/images/i.png)