Jan 2013 MTN Free Browsing Cheat Setting For UCWEB - Hotter Than Fire

MTN latest free browsing trick tweak is here again for you to enjoy. You can now browse for free this Xmas period with this fully loaded FBT brought to you free courtesy of http://netnaija.com

Create a prov file.

IP: uc6.ucweb.com
PORT: 80

Configure Ucweb as follows

Frontquery: mobiletv.mtnonline.com/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/
Proxytype: HOST
Proxy server: mobiletv.mtnonline.com

Hope you enjoy your MTN sim while you browse for free with this latest tweak. Mtn December Cheat update.
Remember to always come back here for more free browsing cheat trick tweak updates.

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