We posted a tweak on how to Watch Free Ds tv stations on mobile phone Yesterday as mtn Launch their mobile Tv..
500MB would be given to You to watch free tv for 7 good Days buh this Bundle was Configure in a way that it cnt work for any other thing apart from Streamin but I am happy to tell You that You can now Download unlimitedly with Simple Tweak Listed bellow!
Now You can browse and download with mtn until u're tired.
1. subscribe to mtn mobiletv by Login to
mobiletv.mtnonline.com on Your web browser. [It wnt work on Opera Xcept Phone browser] You can do
dis wit 0.00 naira
2.You'l receive a message and be given 500mb to use for a week
3. After that configure Your opera like this
IP: ||
APN: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Leave everything Empty on Opera and choose
proxy server: HTTP
Host: Mobiletv.mtnonline.com
4. Or configure Your Phone browser like this
IP: daveproxy.co.uk | |
PORT: 80
homeppage: mobiletv.mtnonline.com
Download Opera4.2handlerlab and enjoy this sett ings
IP: port 80 or ||
PORt: 80
Leave everytin the way it is and go to proxy server
choose http and put d proxy server as
Enjoy and Click on Share Link!!