How To Transfer / Share Airtel, Etisalat, MTN and Glo Megabytes - 10mb to Other Subscribers

To Transfer Airtel Megabytes:

To Transfer Airtel 10mb

Dial *141*712*11*recipent#

To Transfer Airtel 25mb

Dial *141*712*9*recipent number#

To Transfer Airtel 60mb:
*141*712*4*recipent number#.

Recipent Number is the number you want to transfer the megabyte to.

Example: if you are transferring 10mb to This Number 0708.... you will dial *141*712*11*07083..# and press SEND.

NOTE: There will be reduction of N100 or 10mb from your Account.

To Transfer Etisalat Megabytes:

Dial *229*your phone number*amount mb*pin#


To Transfer MTN & Glo Megabytes:


Dats just the simple code for the transfer..... Enjoy

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