I am someone that advocates in practicing good deeds of God, rather than religion ethics. I have come to realize that some group of christians like to set themselves apart with some ridiculous set of characteristics and practices.
As an example, I wore my bowler hat to the church yesterday and one madam walked up to me and said as a MAN IT IS NOT PERMITTED TO WEAR CAP IN THE CHURCH, I asked who make this rule or where is it written in the bible? I dont understand why so many people prefer to chase shadow and loose the substance? Her answer to my question was, what will distinguish you from the worldly people? and that it is the tradition of church to remove cap when u pray or worship God.
I can relate with the issue of indecent dressing in church, but when some dresses OK why do they still get harassed by you dont wear trouser, you dont expose your hair (if you are a aldy) or you dont wear cap (if you are a man), Are all these things biblical?? Or are some set of people trying to create a cult culture within the church? Should people be allowed to express themselves freely with fashion and focus more on the state of their hearts??? Let us TALK!